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Louisiana Drone Blog

December 28, 2016

Edwards signs into law new drones regulations in Louisiana

Filed under: Law — tmaster @ 8:52 pm

Gov. John Bel Edwards has signed into law new limits on drone use in Louisiana.

A bill by Rep. Stephen Dwight, a Republican from Lake Charles, will restrict drone use near schools, school property or correctional facilities. It includes exceptions for police, situations where the landowner grants permission and for pre-agreed recordings like sporting events. The law takes effect Aug. 1.

A second bill approved by Edwards will cover drones under criminal trespassing laws. The measure by Sen. Dan Claitor, a Baton Rouge Republican, makes an exception for anyone flying the unmanned aircraft system for commercial agricultural use. It takes effect immediately.

The governor’s office announced this week that Edwards had signed the measures.


So its now illegal to fly over private property without permission. Thats now trespassing. It will be interesting to see if this part stands up because the FAA regulates airspace and aircraft can not be charged with trespassing. Long standing law states that you dont own the rights to the air over your property.

The state really doesn’t have the rights to pass such a law we will see how it stands up and who wants to challenge it. We need a drone group to sue the state over this.

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