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Louisiana Drone Blog

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July 8, 2016

Abandoned Louisiana Amusement Park Six Flags

Filed under: drone,videos — tmaster @ 9:15 am

Jazzland Wants to buy the park and rebuild it.

July 7, 2016

New Louisiana Drone Laws

Filed under: drone,Law — tmaster @ 6:50 am

First Rep. Stephen Dwight, a Republican from Lake Charles, introduced law 1. The law will restrict drone use near schools, school property or correctional facilities. It includes exceptions for police, situations where the landowner grants permission and for pre-agreed recordings like sporting events. The law takes effect Aug. 1. The second law introduced by Sen. […]

July 5, 2016

x8c wifi camera hacking

Filed under: x5c,x8c — tmaster @ 5:33 am

The x8c Wifi camera is only 640×480. I assume because its for FPV Inside the x8c case is a case for a x5c camera however in testing I was unable to get a x5c camera to work inside the x8c case. It looks like the data connection is different. The camera is basically just a […]

May 12, 2016

Georgetown Cemetery

Filed under: drone,x5c,x8c — tmaster @ 9:15 am

Went out and tried to film the Cemetery fish fry. My x8cs camera looked bad so most of it is done using the x5c camera. Should have a new camera in a few days for the so I can make some better videos.

November 5, 2015

x8c testing over the Forrest

Filed under: drone,x8c — tmaster @ 9:27 am

Test using a USB Spy cam

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